To appeal to a younger audience, Comdirect has developed the social trading app Hi!stocks. Comdirect‘s new trading app has been in the app stores since Tuesday. With “hi!stocks”, the direct bank wants to reach a younger audience – it is a so-called social trading app (Finance Forward reported). Users can connect the app to their securities account at Comdirect and make their securities portfolio public.
However, the app only shows the portfolio, distribution, and performance since purchase. How much money the user has invested in total, on the other hand, is not displayed. In addition, users can comment on individual trades or discuss investments in investment groups. The app also provides rankings of how the portfolio values of individual Comdirect customers are developing.
It is also possible to follow individual users and receive a notification for each new trade. However, it is impossible to copy a portfolio – that is, to invest in the same stocks as another person, as is the case with Etoro, for example. On the other hand, shares and ETFs can be ordered directly via the app. Comdirect collaborated with the startup Stock Republic for the development.