The Bengaluru-based digital banking infrastructure company Signzy (website) announced that it had received INR 210 million ($26 million) in its latest round of funding from Gaja Capital and its existing investors Vertex Ventures and Arkam Ventures.
Signzy was founded in 2015 by Ankit Ratan, Ankur Pandey, and Arpit Ratan. The company has filed eight patents in the U.S. and nine in India for its innovations. Earlier this year, the company also received a U.S. patent for Banking in the Metaverse and won the Best KYC Solution award at the recently concluded Global Fintech Fest in Mumbai.
Signzy was also recently authorized by the International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) as a FinTech partner for a unified KYC solution and digital infrastructure for customer onboarding. The company’s global digital identity and onboarding platform were unveiled in Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s recent launch of National Stock Exchange International Financial Service Centre (IFSCA Official) SGX Connect & India International Bullion Exchange IFSC Ltd.
Signzy has received many awards in the recent past for its technological innovations, including IAMAI’s Most Innovative RegTech Solution Award, ASSOCHAM’s ICT Startup Awards, Technoviti Award 2020 for Video KYC, etc. In the past, Signzy has also received awards from regulatory bodies such as RBI and MAS Singapore.