Tag: BoomBill

  • War Time In The High-Risk Payment Processing Industry!

    War Time In The High-Risk Payment Processing Industry!

    Unfortunately, it is an indisputable fact that the payment processing industry is crowded with black sheep and scammers. Especially in the area of high-risk payment processors, many players rip off their merchants. These bad payment processors have included collapsed iPayTotal or the related Paypound or NeoBanQ. On 4 June 2022,…

  • Merchant Warning Against Serbian Payment Processor Boom-Bill!

    Merchant Warning Against Serbian Payment Processor Boom-Bill!

    High-risk merchants often have hard times getting access to the established financial system. A vast global segment of high-risk payment processors is focused on these merchants providing bank accounts and access to credit card networks for high commissions. However, often merchants face trouble getting their money. We have received warnings…